Monday, November 23, 2015

Day 89

Well, I definitely made good use of my weekend!!

On Saturday, Katie, Gina, Tiffany, and I got up to go to the Orsay Museum because Gina and Tiffany needed to make sketches of paintings for their class. Katie and I obviously just like going to museums.

On the way there, we stopped at a bakery, Eric Kayser, for breakfast. Figuring out how to go about eating at a French bakery was a little confusing at first, but the people working there were very nice and helpful (and spoke at least some English). We did our best at ordering in French, and the waitress definitely appreciated that. French people are so funny about those things. Even if you butcher every word, they really do just love that you're attempting to speak their language (for the most part). 

I had hot chocolate and a Viennoise de chocolat, which was basically this little loaf of bread with a bunch of chocolate chips in it. (Don't judge me for how much chocolate I consume every morning). It was obviously a very yummy breakfast!

The Orsay Museum is so cool! I highly enjoyed wandering through its galleries for 2 and a half hours or so. Katie and I kind of lost Gina and Tiffany while they were working on their sketches (it's a deceivingly huge museum), but we got to see lots of amazing pieces by artists like Van Gogh and Monet, the latter being my favorite painter. (Unfortunately, the Monet painting I have in my bedroom at home is apparently in DC. I was hoping to see it here, but oh well). There are also lots of rooms in the museum that can only be described as the holdings places for all the things that go on the Antiques Roadshow, aka basically rooms with antique furniture set up to look like real, functioning rooms of a house. It was neat!

Didn't totally know what was going on here, but thought this was cool

By the Impressionism wing, they had these weird, octopus-looking lounge chair things. We just had to try them!

We waited a little while by the exit to see if Tiffany and Gina would turn up, but we ended up just heading back to campus without them. Katie and I wanted to get some work done on our Gattaca presentation anyway, which we spent quite some time doing in the computer lab. Well, we spent a fair amount of time making the shell of the powerpoint, and then kind of a lot of time looking at stupid pictures and gifs from the movie on the internet (don't ask). 

Later that evening, I bought my train tickets to London to go spend next weekend with Umme! I am SO excited. Right after that, Katie and I headed out to take the metro to an English-speaking Catholic church near the Arc de Triomphe for 6:30 pm mass. 

It was certainly an interesting mass. One man led all the singing (which there was a lot of, but I'm used to that from St. Elizabeth's), and he kind of sounded like what I imagine Brad Garrett would sound like if he tried to sing hymns. In other words, he was pretty bad. But as Aubrey and I would say, he gave it a lot of heart. The priest seemed to be in pretty bad shape, age- and health-wise, but it was soooooo nice to be able to understand the homily for the first time in forever. 

We took the metro home after mass and then went to get food at the grocery store with Gina for dinner. It was pretty cold and rainy out, so we didn't have much interest in really going anywhere. I got some bread, goat cheese, and a cucumber--the dinner of champions.

A bunch of other people had the same idea we did, so we all ate together in the cafeteria and then hung out down there for a couple hours. Wild Saturday night, am I right?? 

I had some trouble falling asleep. You'll understand why when you see my next post...

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