Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 76

Well, long story short, we didn't get to watch the St. John's basketball game. LAME. It's all because WatchESPN doesn't work in Europe, or rather, you have to buy some package thing to watch anything. I don't know. It's stupid. But we WON!! Yayyyyy. It was just an exhibition game, but still exciting.

Katie and I got up to go to mass, as per usual. On the way, we ran into a Color Run going on on the main road. It was so cool! The pictures probably don't do it justice, but it was very exciting to see.

We got drinks and cookies for brunch at Starbucks, and then headed to the university chapel for the 12:00 pm mass we've been attending. It was a different priest this time: an old, disgruntled one. He was hilarious. He mumbled everything, though, so there was no hope of me understanding even one word he said. Here's hoping there will be an English mass to go to in Paris!

We made it back to the hostel, met up with Gina, and then went to lunch at 100 Montaditos (the place that just opened up down the street that we went to last Monday). This time, I got four of the little sandwiches: three goat cheese and pesto, and one cream cheese, lettuce, and tomato. I also got a Radler, and that always makes me happy. So good! And so cute. I should've taken a picture.

I finally finished my essay on the Spanish Golden Age later in the afternoon. Still waiting to hear from Dr. Klohe about my grade on that, though. And I also still need to write my final paper. It's due Wednesday, though, so I'm not terribly worried. It's also an opinion/reflection-type paper, so I'm really not worried.

Katie and I Skyped with Anarita for a little while in the evening. We caught up as usual, and made fun of her for wearing a grey hoodie to mass and for thinking "Uma Thurman" by Fall Out Boy was a new, unpronounceable song. Classic!

Tiffany and Gina joined us for our last dinner at Iguanas Ranas. So depressing! But the food was amazing, just like always. We even insisted on getting a picture with our favorite waiter (and the little mascot/statue thing).

I wonder if we'll find a place we love this much in Paris...

We popped into Dunkin' Donuts because Gina wanted a coffee (she's currently writing her senior thesis paper), and then headed on home.

It was a super fun last Sunday night. When the four of us are together, we always have some hilarious conversations. That's another one of those things that makes me sad when I realize how little time I have left abroad! Aggghhhhhhhh. I don't want it to ever end. But yet, I miss home. The struggle.

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