Friday, November 6, 2015

Day 73

Thursday morning, I got up like normal to go to breakfast and class. In Ethics, we got to listen to presentations on cultural appropriation, immigrants vs. refugees, stem cell research, and ethics in the medical field as depicted on popular hospital shows. It was a good variety! And pretty interesting, too.

In LAC, we had yet another review of all the stuff we've already learned, and also watched a 60 Minutes episode about two brothers who are famous bullfighters. It was informative, and the brothers are both very good-looking. (Seriously, though. The first thing Dr. Klohe asked after the video finished was which brother we thought was more attractive).

Katie and I then went to the OTHER sandwich place for lunch. See, when we still had meal tickets, we could only use them at one particular sandwich place on our street. Now, though, we were finally able to try the other place! And it didn't disappoint! I only got cheese on my sandwich (queso fresco, to be exact), and that was all I needed. It was delicious. I also got a bottle of Coke, and Katie got a can of Coke Zero. We noticed when reading the labels that apparently a can of Coke Zero here contains sodium, but a bottle of regular Coke does not. So weird! I'm still confused by this...

I spent the afternoon chilling and whatnot, mostly waiting for my Skype date with Kayla later. I sort of attempted to start writing one of my last two LAC essays, but didn't get super far with that. Actually, what happened was that as I was doing a little research for it, I got too interested in all the history and couldn't stop reading! Mostly about the Hapsburgs and all their nasty inbreeding. Can you imagine marrying your uncle???

So eventually I did Skype with Kayla, and it was fun as usual. We caught up and also discussed our potential travels for next summer.

Later, I had the usual "gourmet" hostel dinner of French fries and pasta with red sauce. I also had an apple, some fried eggplant, and a little hazelnut ice cream. I listened to Tiffany, Katie, and Shavonne rant about their experiences working in retail, which was actually quite interesting (and funny).

After dinner, I was back in the lounge trying to work on that paper and talk to my mom. Mom and I are trying to figure out what I'm doing in January. I'm planning on going to Las Vegas with my cousin, aunt, and uncle, but then right after that trip it'll be time for me to go up to New York for the spring semester. I won't know where I'm living until December, and I need to figure out when I can have all my stuff that's in storage delivered, and so on. It's a process. But it'll work out!

Spoiler alert: I did not finish the paper. I went to bed.


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