Sunday, November 15, 2015

Day 79

I apologize for being a little behind on my blog posts! As I'm sure you know, I was in the process of finishing my second module of classes, moving to Paris, and then hiding inside during and after the terrorist attacks here. The events on the night of November 13 left me questioning a lot of things, and I actually wondered if I would want to continue this blog at all. Now that everything has calmed down quite a bit, though, I think I will catch up on my posts and then continue with the blog for the remainder of my semester abroad.


Day 79 was my last full day in Seville.

Several people did presentations in Ethics, and then at last, that class was over for good! It was like no class I've ever taken before, and I doubt I'll ever take a class like that again. Rumor has it he gives everyone an A-, regardless of attendance and participation...I REALLY hope that isn't true, because I definitely deserve an A! And lots of other people definitely do NOT deserve an A-.

I also submitted my final essay for LAC to Dr. Klohe. She responded by saying, "Thank you for being a good student." I appreciated that.

Katie and I then went to Starbucks in the center for some coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies. The weather was just amazing! There was also this weird little bazaar going on with all these little shops selling tiny little nativity sets, animals, foods, etc. It's hard to explain! I took some pics, though. Katie ended up buying a tiny, fluffy sheep, and I bought a little grey bunny!

We started to head back, but immediately ran into Gina! She was on her way to grab Starbucks, so we went with her, and then went back to the hostel.

Remember how St. John's in Rome gave us a 5-course farewell lunch at a real restaurant? St. John's in Seville provided us with ordered-in Domino's pizza for our farewell lunch. Very classy. It was good, though, and it was fun to spend a little more time with the semester students.

We kind of just chilled that afternoon. Jon and Gabby came and hung out with us for a while (mostly looking for stuff we were willing to get rid of...but they also love us). Gabby begged us to go to this one club, Uthopia, with them later that night. At the moment, we were still unsure.

Dinner was bad, but what did we care? We never have to eat that again!

Tiffany had wanted to go see Plaza de España, so we agreed to take her there. Our plan was to go there, go hang out in the center at Starbucks or something for a while, and then go to Uthopia to meet up with everyone else. However, Tiffany was still writing her LAC essay, so we didn't leave for kind of a while. By the time we go to the park where the plaza is, it was all closed. We went straight to the center, but all of the Starbuckses (weird word--sounds like hobbittses) were closed. Since we were all actually pretty hungry from having virtually nothing for dinner, we ended up going to McDonald's. I got fries AND a McFlurry. It was great.

The four of us made our way to Uthopia, which was pretty empty at 1 am (Spaniards are CRAZY, man). We waited a while, and eventually all of our people showed up and the place got pretty packed. It was actually really nice there! And fun. I'm glad we went, but I'm also glad we didn't stay too long.

And then, I spent my last night at Inturjoven. So crazy!

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