Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 71

On Tuesday morning, Katie and I did our presentation on the necessity of having children vaccinated in Ethics. We barely prepared anything, but everyone in the class (well, everyone who showed up) said it was a really great presentation! We're just that smart I guess.

In LAC, we pretty much covered the last three hundred years of Spanish history. Did you know that in Spain they refer to the Spanish-American War as La Guerra de '98 (The War of '98) and El Disastre (The Disaster)? It makes sense that they would call it The Disaster...they lost everything! Also, Spain has had some pretty interesting monarchs over time, like the terribly inbred, disabled Carlos II, or Isabel II who had something like twelve children with twelve different men, none of whom were her husband. Dr. Klohe put it best: history is better than any fiction!

Katie and I joined two of the semester students, Jess and Gabby, for lunch at Kalixto, just down the street. It was fun, and the food was pretty good. Again, I'm really going to miss these semester students when we go! I'm hoping the ones in Paris will be cool, too.

I spent the afternoon just chilling. It was nice.

I had service at the school at 4, just like every Tuesday. I got to help the kids learn some food vocabulary (cheese, bread, tomatoes, carrots, "yoghurt," etc.) and also got to play "Guess that animal" with them. When I'm with those kids, that's when I wish the most that I could actually speak Spanish. I feel so bad when I can't understand them! Even then, though, they mumble everything so I'd probably have trouble understanding them no matter what. After class, in the hallway, two little girls from another class came up and asked me something, and I straight up had to say "No hablo español." They looked confused, but oh well.

On my walk back to the hostel, I stopped to get a yummy chocolate pastry. I earned it after dealing with 26 screaming kids!

I spent the evening relaxing some more, just kind of doing whatever. Dinner was decent, I guess, but I wasn't super hungry anyway after having the pastry a few hours earlier.

After dinner, Katie and I went to Mercado Provenzal to have some tintos de verano (Gina had to work on her senior thesis). Later, I ended up going to another bar with a bunch of other DTW and semester students, which was really fun. I got home kind of late, but it was definitely a good time.

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