Monday, October 19, 2015

Day 52

Thursday morning began with my usual breakfast of cereal in the hostel cafeteria, followed by a very interesting Ethics class. I think we were supposed to discuss the differing roles of men and women when it comes to raising children, but it basically exploded into a discussion over gender differences in general. It was really kind of fun, for once.

It was a site visit day for LAC. This time: the Antiquarium of Seville, which is underneath the "mushrooms." It was basically a lot of cool ruins from Roman times, and then also some later ones from the Visigoths and the Arabs.

After our class tour of the Antiquarium, some of us (Katie, Gina, Tiffany, Shavonne, Shaq, and I) decided to pay to go to the top of the mushrooms. For three euro, you got a ticket to the top, a postcard from the gift shop, and a drink from a restaurant around the corner. It was a pretty solid deal!

The walk on top of the mushrooms was amazing. Seville looks so pretty from up there! And it was cool to see it at all angles. Also, the windy path along the tops of the mushrooms was like something straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. So fun!

Local news?

We came back down to quickly get our free postcards and drinks (I had a yummy Radler) so that we could make it to Puerta de Jerez for that day's scheduled activity: a tapas tour with Raul! He took us to a local tapas bar and at first acted like we weren't going to get that much food, but let me tell you--WE DID. We feasted! It was like Raul would get so happy to see us enjoying all of the different tapas and then he just HAD to let us try all the other kinds. Some of my favorites were the fried eggplant with honey, the fried goat cheese, and the fried SHARK (I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that they fry most foods here). The shark was one of the best things I've ever tasted, so I'm definitely going to have to have that again!

Back at the hostel, I had some nice siesta time, and then later Skyped with Kayla. We discussed our European summer vacation (yes, I'm already planning another trip to Europe...while currently in Europe...) which I'm super excited for. I love traveling, and traveling with friends is just the best thing ever!

I also booked a spontaneous 2 day/1 night trip to Granada for the weekend with Katie, Gina, and Tiffany. We weren't able to book tickets for the city's main attraction, the Alhambra, but we decided we would just get there super early Saturday morning and hope for the best.

Dinner was...pretty much how it was all week. Mediocre, if not bad. But oh well. I had a little cup of hazelnut ice cream after that was pretty good.

Later, Katie, Gina, and I (for whatever reason) watched a bunch of YouTube videos of animals fighting before packing for the weekend trip and going to bed. It was weird, but a fun night! And a great day overall!

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