Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Day 48

Waking up on Sunday was BRUTAL. But, I knew that I had absolutely nothing to do the next day (since we had off of school for Spain's National Day), so that helped me get through it all.

Since we had a beach-view room, I also got to see a pretty amazing sunrise before we went down to the ground floor to get breakfast.

For breakfast, I had two little chocolate croissant-type things and some hot chocolate (really not any different than the European breakfasts I've been having). Then, we headed into the center of Tetouan for a guided tour, some free shopping time, and a visit to a traditional Moroccan pharmacy. Our walking tour was neat, but got cut short by rain. Luckily, the area where they took us to do our shopping was nice and covered. I bought a couple things there (and almost bought even more stuff because they just kept going lower and lower with their prices). We also got to go to a tea house to use the restroom and get one last cup of yummy Moroccan mint tea. I think my favorite part was the pharmacy, though. We got to try so many oils, lotions, perfumes, and more. I ended up buying two little vials of orange blossom extract (good for motion sickness, headaches, and hangovers) and three bottles of argon oil for my hair. Some people bought tea, which I would have liked to have bought as well, but the way it was packaged made it look like marijuana in a tupperware (which would not make it through US customs).

Eventually, we made our way back into the Spanish port city of Ceuta (and got stamps from both Morocco and Spain) to get on our ferry back to Europe. Our tour leaders gave us each two sandwiches and two pieces of fruit for lunch. This boat was much bigger than our last one, and I was able to sit inside without getting sick at all! Granted, I was wearing my sea bands AND sniffing my orange blossom oil, but still. I'm always happy to not get seasick.

So, we made it safely back to Europe, and had a nice drive on a super fancy bus back to Seville by way of Cádiz. As soon as we arrived at Plaza de Cuba, the four of us went straight to Iguanas Ranas (the Mexican place by the Cathedral) for dinner and free margaritas. It hit the SPOT. I was a little worried afterward though that everyone on the street would be repulsed by us for smelling like both Moroccan and Mexican food, but I don't think anyone noticed.

Showers and sleep were much needed, and much appreciated. I was soooo excited to be able to sleep in.

Overall, it was really an incredible weekend that felt much longer than it was...but I mean that in a good way. It felt like we did so much! And went so far! Even though we really didn't go very far at all. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to go back to Morocco, or even to Africa at all, so I'm really, really glad I went. I'd recommend Morocco to anyone!

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