Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 44

As you can imagine (if you read my last post), I woke up very, very tired on Wednesday. I was a zombie at breakfast, but in Ethics I participated quite a bit in our class discussion about the movie we watched the day before.
In LAC, we started to learn about Roman Spain, and then ended up having a class discussion about culture. Carmen loves answering any and all questions we have about the ways of the Spaniards, and actually even answered questions about the French and Italians. Both of my classes here are super chill and barely structured, and I love it. It goes along with the general feel of Seville so well, and it's nice to not have to worry about schoolwork so much.
After class, those of us who signed up to volunteer at a local Catholic elementary school helping out in English classes (which I might not have mentioned, but now you know) got our assignments. Every Tuesday at 4 pm I'll be helping out with a class of what they call Year 2 but is actually the equivalent to our 1st grade. I'm so excited! And this is a great resume-booster for an aspiring English teacher like myself. Hopefully I'll learn some Spanish from the kids, too!
I also got my first letter to Seville from my mom. It was super cute, as usual, but it's always weird reading something that was written over a week ago. The best part was that she included this super cute pennant!!!
Katie and I got lunch at a local sandwich place that takes our meal tickets. I actually ordered a personal pizza, which took forever to make, but then the guy accidentally put vinegar all over it instead of olive oil, and asked me to order something else instead on the house. I ended up getting a free (and wonderfully delicious) cheese and tomato sandwich, so I can't really complain. 
Later in the afternoon, we went to a local sports complex place that we get to use every Wednesday from 3-4:30. Katie, Gina, and I got there before everyone else (there was some confusion over the meeting time/place I guess), but then several others, mostly semester students, showed up. We had wanted to play horse or something (because the court we got to use doubled as a soccer and basketball court), but we ended up playing soccer with everyone. It was really fun! And I actually have some decent defensive skills. Overall, I'm still awful, but it was super fun and a great workout. And my team won! Yay!
I was in great need for some siesta time after that. It was funny how we were all SOOOOO sweaty in the gym but after the walk back in the dry air everyone was pretty much sweat-free. I just chilled until 8:00 when we went down for dinner, which was pretty good. I think I'm just always so hungry by that time every day that I don't even really care how good the food actually is.
A bunch of us met at Puerta de Jerez at 9 for maybe the most exciting school-provided activity yet: a flamenco show and tapas! The tapas were okay, and our view of the guy dancing and the musicians wasn't very good, but it was still amazing to hear and even just see bits and pieces of.
We keep seeing lots of feral cats on the streets, which Gina and I always try to approach and call over while Katie kind of walks away (probably smart). Of course, they're feral, so they never actually come to us. We saw two on the walk back from the flamenco show, one of which I had to take a picture of because it was SO PRETTY. The picture is awful because it was really dark, but whatever, You can kind of tell how cool its coat was.
It kind of sucked that we couldn't get to bed until after midnight, but it was obviously worth it. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I was that happy to go to bed.

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