Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 30

Can't believe today was Day 30!

Well, I finally finished the essay today! Granted, it was around 8:30 pm, but I did it nonetheless.

I also had to do some reading for my Theology class for a quiz, which wasn't as easy as the past two quizzes. He's an easy grader, though.

BUT I'll stop skipping around now and go back to the morning.

After reading and working on my paper, Katie and I had lunch at Good. In my City of Rome class, we watched the Italian film "A Special Day," starring Sophia Loren, which was all about the day Hitler visited Rome in 1938. It wasn't action-driven at all, but it was really good. Prof. Locatelli said we might cry, so I was sure I would (I always cry during movies), but I actually didn't! She did, though.

Tomorrow, we find out our presentation and midterm grades for that class. Wish me luck!

Theology was decent today. Some of the seminarians we met on Sunday were coming to campus at 4:30 to bring us milk and fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies...but we had class from 4-7. Luckily, our professor let us have five minutes to go grab some milk and cookies to take back to class. And let me tell you, those cookies were AMAZING! I actually still have one left over which I cannot WAIT to devour tomorrow.

We were going to go to some event at Temple University's Rome campus where we would've gotten to meet Italian students and have some sort of cultural experience, but it was raining, so we opted out of that. (Besides, we met Italian students last night anyway).

I wanted to have dinner at Fonzie's, but they were randomly closed (as I say for the millionth time: classic Italians). Instead, we ate at Good. Yes. Twice in one day. No regrets.

And THEN...I FINISHED THE ESSAY! Our minimum was 5 pages, but I wrote 8 and a half. I better get a good grade.

I also had to do some more reading for Theology. Other than that, though, it was a nice, chill evening.

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