Monday, September 21, 2015

Day 28

So I successfully did laundry again today. Although at one point, I had to awkwardly walk around five maintenance guys and their LADDER in the DOORWAY in my super short jammy shorts and unbrushed hair...but I survived. And my clothes are clean.

I tried to put off writing my term paper by doing my weekly reading for my City of Rome class instead. The problem with me is that usually once I start writing a paper, I get on a roll and then don't want to stop. But knowing this in advance, I don't even let myself start because I don't want to get on that roll and then not be able to stop...and so on. So I read, and colored in my little coloring book, and played spider solitaire on my computer (I don't know. I'm back into it).

We had our weekly program meeting, where we finally got some information on our flight to Seville next week. It looks like I shouldn't have anything to worry about luggage-wise! We're allowed to check a 50-lb suitcase and have one 22-lb carry-on bag, and I'm pretty sure I only have like 55 pounds of stuff total, so I should be good to go. Lots of other people were freaking out about it, though. I'm proud of myself for not putting myself in that situation for once! Now I won't be known as the over-packer/heavy-packer.

Katie and I went to Good to get some lunch real quick right before class, but our experience wasn't as "good" as it normally is. The pizza was obviously still delicious, but there were too many people there, and since Italians have no real concept of waiting in line, it was chaotic and took a long time. But, we were able to make it to class on time no problem.

In class, we learned about Benito Mussolini and fascist Italy. The way he transformed Rome into basically how it looks today was pretty fascinating. Obviously still a terrible person, though.

Finally, at some point in the afternoon, I started to work on the paper a bit. I didn't let myself get on a real roll, though. I'll save that for tomorrow.

For dinner, Katie and I decided to try a nearby place that's listed on the meal tickets website. It turned out to be one of the best places we've been to yet! The waiters were super friendly, spoke great English, and knew we were from St. John's. It was a really cool-looking restaurant on a nice, quiet street. It even had free Wi-Fi that worked! But the best part was, of course, the food. I got eggplant parmesan PIZZA. It was sooooooooooooooooooo amazing, and a really good size for a decent price. We will definitely, definitely be going back once or twice before we leave.

Later in the evening, I Skyped with Will while we was at work. Let's just say it's a good thing he's getting a haircut later this week when he goes to Houston.

So that's all I've got for today. I really should've taken a picture of that pizza. I'll just have to do that when I go back!

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