Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 107


I did my best to make the most of my last full day in Paris by barely spending any time on campus.

At 10, Katie, Gina, and I went to the Vincentian house next door to go into the chapel to see the remains of St. Vincent de Paul. JUST MY LUCK, though...the chapel was closed for cleaning all day Wednesday and Thursday. I shouldn't have put that off. St. Vincent is clearly telling me to never procrastinate again!

I attended my last weekly meeting at 10:30. This week's snack were these butter cake things that were just AMAZING. One was kind of like sweet corn bread, but the other one was warm, flaky, gooey, and just all-around delicious. MAN, I'm gonna miss French food.

We then went on excursion #1 of the day with Matthieu. I feel bad because I don't remember the names of everything we saw, but basically, it was a tour of the Latin Quarter. We saw schools, botanical gardens, Medieval and Roman ruins, the Pantheon, and more.

At the Pantheon, we all played with the ice blocks that are still there, and some of us even got filmed doing it! And--get this--the guy filming us is apparently Dale Bell, the guy who produced the documentary film Woodstock! So maybe I'll be in his next Oscar-winning documentary?

The botanical gardens randomly had some animals on display in them, including WALLABIES! They were soooooooooo cute! And it was just so weird to see wallabies in Paris! But very exciting.

Matthieu also took us to a mosque that had a little cafe inside. He got us all tea and cookies, which were very yummy! It tasted just like the super-sweet mint tea from Morocco.

At the end of the tour, most people had to leave to go to their art class, but Katie, La Shay, Vinny, Angela and I stuck around until tour #2 started. The meeting point for the next tour was in front of Notre Dame, so we went and had lunch and shopped around in that area. I had a cheese crepe, obviously (last day in Paris). 

The second walking tour was of the Marais neighborhood, right on the other side of the river. We saw the square where Victor Hugo's house is located, had falafel in the Jewish quarter, saw the Pompidou Museum, walked through a flower market, and more.

When I got back to school, I finished packing, or, at least, the packing I could do before getting ready the next morning. 

Dinner was actually really good! Too bad I wasn't hungry after a crepe AND a falafel sandwich. I had fish, pasta, and broccoli. AND I got my favorite pudding one last time!

After dinner, I studied for my final for a little while and took a shower. Then, Gina, Shavonne, and Shaq came over to play Life. Once that game ended, we played Heads Up, and La Shay finally came over as well. It was sort of bittersweet, because even though it was super fun and hilarious like always, I was obviously really sad to say goodbye to everyone. 

Wow. I can't believe that was my last full day!

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