Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 105

On Monday, I grudgingly got up at 7:15 FOR MY SECOND TO LAST DAY OF CLASS!

...which was pretty chill. We did a reading, answered some questions on it together as a class, did another reading, and then answered questions on that one in groups. Prof. Garrau asked me if I could send her the answers to the rest of the questions I needed to do for homework. I of course said yes...but still needed to do them.

So, right after class was over, I finished my readings and questions and had them sent to her by 1:50 pm. During that time, I also did my laundry FOR THE LAST TIME IN EUROPE. (Sorry I'm being really intense about these things, but it's almost like I'm just now realizing their significance as I'm typing them)!

Then, I finished reading over/editing Anarita's Ethics paper. She picked a really interesting topic, so I really did enjoy doing that. I also wrote my blog posts about the weekend (which I thought were some of my finest work on this blog so far. I don't know why).

For the rest of the afternoon, still exhausted from the fun-filled weekend, I let myself relax. You can probably guess that by "relaxed" I mean that I colored in my coloring book and played Sims. Classic.

Dinner was all right I guess: potatoes and green beans. And they STILL haven't had my favorite pudding in quite some time...

Gina downloaded the movie Pearl Harbor to her iPad a while back, and kept suggesting that we watch it, but we were never really in the mood for something that heavy. However, when I realized this morning that today was in fact Pearl Harbor Day, I decided that we definitely needed to watch it. And so, we did. It did a good job of holding my attention throughout, which is impressive because it's 3 hours long, but overall it was kinda...eh. I mean, the actual Pearl Harbor part of it was pretty impactful, especially with today being the anniversary, but the love story part was pretty dumb. The more I think about it, the madder it makes me. THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER. ...Sorry, don't want to give any "spoilers" by ranting about it on here. I'll stop complaining!

Obviously, it was pretty late by the time we finished the movie, so then we went to bed.


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