Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 2

My second day in Rome started at 5:30 am, when I halfway woke up, and then halfway fell back asleep. I then fully woke up around 6:45, and almost considered actually getting up because I felt so awake, but I opted to stay in bed until my 9:00 am alarm went off. Of course, before 9, I was able to fall back into a deep sleep and was then not very happy to hear the alarm. But I forced myself to get up.

I then discovered that the school's Wi-Fi, which had been working splendidly on my phone all day yesterday, was totally disconnected and would not allow me to log back in. After our first two orientation sessions, in which we learned basic rules and things and got our passports back, I went to go see Andrea, the IT guy. In typical Italian fashion, he was not in his office. Katie and I decided to go have lunch across the street, where we found some pretty delicious pineapple fruit cups. We finally were able to find Andrea (though he was in the hall outside his office chatting it up with his buddies), and my phone is now hooked up to a different Wi-Fi that I can only use on the first and second floor. I live on the fourth floor. The struggle is real. But at least my laptop's internet works fine in my room.

We then went exploring again, just kind of wandering about (but being safe). We happened to stumble upon the Piazza del Popolo--which we later realized could have been reached by a much shorter route--but the way we went was fun anyway. It was a great photo op.

On the way back to campus, we saw some graffiti that was amusing to both of us, but for different reasons: Katie laughed because she thought it said "NERD," and I laughed because I thought it said "NERO."

We then had a nice little neighborhood walking tour, led by one of the in-charge people around here (not entirely sure what her role is yet). The area is chill now because it's still August, so that's been pretty nice. Later, we had our final orientation session of the day, which turned out to be the best. Gianni (whose American Starbucks name is "Andrew") talked to us about Italian/Roman culture. He used my purse as an example for how to avoid pickpockets, and used me as an example for how to avoid the advances of Italian men.

After some late afternoon relaxation, Katie and I headed out to Lungo il Tevere, which I remembered from my EF tour last summer. It's basically just a bunch of tents set up along the Tiber from June through the end of August that house shops, nice restaurants, fun bars, and even weird arcade/carnival-type games. Since it's ending in just a few days, I reeeeally wanted to go (and want to go again probably this weekend). We ended up having a nice long walk and a delightful dinner by the water. Katie got her first Prosecco and good Margherita pizza!


Twin dinners!

Ching ching!

Overall, it was another successful day in the eternal city. But my feet are starting to feel the consequences of walking for miles in sandals on cobblestones!

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